Solo exhibition “TEINE”
@ Hop Gallery , Tallinn, Estonia 26/09 – 15/10/2013
Teine is a conceptual site-specific installation featuring an atmospheric space consisting of 26 000 meters of 6000 hand-cut and hand tied hanging viscose threads.
The Estonian title “Teine” translates into two meanings – second and other, which in one hand has a simple purpose – Teine was Ilison’s second solo exhibition. On the other hand the author is referring to the group of outcast, different from the mass, feeling of being misunderstood, exclusion and loneliness.
“Although we are constantly connected and overloaded with information, loneliness has become one of the greatest problems of our times and everyone knows the feeling of “no-one understands”. Being in the middle of everything, at the same time feeling so lonely. An average person thinks about 60000-80000 thoughts a day, which I see as a huge space between a person and the World. Sometimes it’s a barrier of haunting thoughts, sometimes a space full of options. I’m interested if and how could we experience that so-called no-space between us and the World. “
Sound design by Lauri-Dag Tüür. The exhibition was supported by Estonian Cultural Endowment, Vahur Kets, Lincona, Sadolin and Marit Ilison Creative Atelier. Many thanks to everyone who helped to set up the installation: Linda Aasaru, Triin Loosaar, Danel Kanter, Peeter Mikk, Kätlin Luht, Roosi Keva, Grete Mai Keert, Katrin Ilison, Eve Kukk, Johanna Mägin and Gunnar Kurusk.