"My main goal is to create experiences and memorable feelings – be it a mind blowing spatial installation or an act of wearing a simple black dress."
- Marit Ilison
Hailed as "the true poetess of clothing," Marit Ilison is a multi-disciplinary artist and designer mixing deep concepts with feelings, sensitivity, and eye-catching form in whatever medium she is currently working at. She has created costumes, site-specific atmospheres, exhibition, and set designs. Being always interested in the relationship between the body and the space, the worldwide pandemic allowed her to smoothly transition from fashion to interior design and successfully establish the spirit in a more spatial experience.
Ilison has been titled a Vogue Talent and Vogue Success Story with her unique fashion collection "Longing For Sleep." She has also been awarded the most prominent Estonian art award, Kristjan Raud Prize, and Young Designer Award SÄSI. Her works have been featured in top international publications like Vogue, The New York Times, and L'Officiel among others. With her latest work in interior design, she is the 1st Dibs' Designer To Watch.
In 2013 Marit Ilison founded Marit Ilison Creative Atelier together with her brother Peeter Ilison. MICA is a passionate creative atelier working with a broad spectrum of creative projects - from small to big, from homes to hotels, from the first vision to the finest final touches.
Marit Ilison on valdkondadeülene kunstnik ja disainer, keda huvitab kõige rohkem suhe keha ja ruumi vahel. Ta on loonud moekollektsioone, kohaspetsiifilisi installatsioone, kostüüme, muusikat, näituse ja lavakujundusi ning tegutseb igapäevaselt koos oma venna Peeter Ilisoniga Marit Ilison Creative Atelier nime all. Ilison tegeleb erinevate avaliku- ja eraruumi projektidega ning tema loodud on Tallinna kõige külastatumad restoranid Lore bistroo, Päris resto ja Uma restoran. Moeajakiri Vogue'i on Marit Ilisonile omistanud nii Vogue Talent kui Vogue eduloo tiitli ning Ilisoni on tunnustatud ka Kristjan Raua kunstnikupreemia ja noore disaineri preemiaga SÄSI. 2024. aasta maikuust on majakunstniku rollis Marit Ilisoni hoole all ka Tallinna Linnateatri atmosfäär.