Concept development, set and atmosphere design for
@ Estonian avant-garde theatre NO99

Director Mart Kangro, Art Director Marit Ilison, Sound Designer Jakob Juhkam
Premiere on April 25 2015 @ Theatre NO99, Tallinn, Estonia

“People have always communicated among themselves. Yet according to researchers, this has become a problem over the past century. People communicate as before, but the mistakes made in communication have acquired not only tragic but also everyday dimensions. Several occupations have emerged that deal with improving communication in society, but who could help us next Wednesday when some new friends will be coming to visit?

In his stage productions, Mart Kangro has repeatedly delved into the possibility and nature of communication on stage, in society, between us. Personal intimacy, human contact is not some nebulous poetic problem for him but rather an everyday question that repeats and does not fade away. One can go it alone, but you can’t manage without others. Because as Pablo Neruda has written: “My dear, what do you encounter / in your closed-off well?””

Images by Veiko Tublin & Terje Ugandi 

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